Recipe: Sour and Spicy Mustard Vegetable Soup

Recipe: Sour and Spicy Mustard Vegetable Soup


Few slices of roast pork

1/4  poached chicken and 1/4  roast duck , trim fat from meat and chop into large pieces

1 bulb of garlic whole, 1 Onion bulb, peeled and diced

A slice of ginger

A cinnamon stick

Tamarind slices, 4 /5, rinsed and red dried chillies

Three heads of preserved/salted or fresh mustard vegetables with stems, cut into bite size

(Preserved Salted mustard vegetable – wash or rinse well before cooking)

Soaked dried mushrooms, woody stems trimmed (5/6 pcs)

Tomatoes (5 pcs) or preserved lime

Soup stock or plain water to cover

Half cup of white wine, brandy or sherry, salt and light soy sauce to taste

 Cooking Method

! In a big pot put all the meat in, put the whole garlic, ginger, cinnamon stick, chillies and  tamarind slices.

! Pour the soup stocks or plain water covering all the ingredients. Let boil. Skim off any floating fats that floats while boiling.

! Add mustard vegetables and the mushrooms, continue boiling, lessen fire,  let boil for at least an hour or  until mushrooms and vegetables are very soft and tender.

!Add the tomatoes, season with salt, add white wine. Let boil. Taste seasoning when it tastes perfect, switch off fire

! Garnish with green chillies (optional) and Serve

! Best served with steamed white rice for lunch or dinner



Cheers 2014













Onions and you, why you?

Think about onions whether red or yellow. Sure you have  at least an image in mind. Hold it! Size and looks, uses? For perfect view, here are some images.



In the red pack are medium size of red onions. You can check from the supermarket for more visuals. Garlic gloves are the white item besides the red onions. Are they vegetables or spices?

Recipe: Auspicious Stir-Fried Prawns

Recipe: Auspicious Stir-Fried Prawns

Here is a recipe for Chinese New year: Simply delicious and auspicious. If you love big prawns, choose fresh ones from the market. Probably costly but to be auspicious for the Chinese New Year celebration, bargaining is said to be taboo:) Feel fabulous and be happy when you pay or prepare every delicacy for the said ‘family and friends‘ reunion.

Recipe: Stir-Fried Prawns and Tau Foo cake with Romanian Lettuce 

! Things we need 🙂  medium or large prawns, spoonfuls glutinous rice powder, sesame oil, crushed garlic, salt to taste, dash of black pepper powder, chopped spring onions, fresh red chilies, deep-frying cooking oil and a slice of lemon.

! Before you cook 🙂

  1. De-vein the prawns and trim the feelers.

              How to remove the prawns intestinal vein.  Cut a slit in the back of the prawn and use a tooth pick to remove the intestinal vein.

      2. Coat the prawns with the glutinous rice powder or cornflour.

      3. Heat the oil at boiling point and deep fry the prawns until prawns is golden brown  and crispy.

     4. Cut the tau foo cake into strips or cut into shape of your choice and deep fry until crispy.

     5. Remove deep-fried stuffs and drain oil using a strainer or clean towel.

     6. Choose a beautiful plate and lay with washed fresh Romanian Lettuce. Arrange in such a way that it fits your fried tau foo and fried prawns. Ur creativity is very important here. Fried tau foo arrange together with the lettuce on a serving plate.

     7.  Set aside deep-fried prawns.

! Cooking tips (:)

  • Heat sesame oil into a wok or cooking pan. Fry the crushed garlic until smells fragrant.
  • Add your spicy chilies, salt, pepper and briskly add your deep-fried prawns until prawns is fully coated.
  • Check the saltness! Add a spoonful of sugar when food is too salty.
  • Cut a small piece of lemon and squeeze over;
  • sprinkle the chopped spring onions, stir briskly and
  • dish out on the serving plate prepared earlier.
  • Serve with pride
      Now watch your auspicious dish on display. C


    Stir-Fried Prawns and Fried Tau Foo cake with Romanian Lettuce is perfectly served on your table.
      Some folks believe:-

Lettuce brings prosperity for the CNY and 1/4 large sq. cake of tau foo provides @ 200 mg of calcium for the day.

    Note: Tau Foo cake can be blanched with hot water and salt; serve.

Beloved followers and friends. I wish you enjoy the dish and may you have Auspicious; Happy Chinese New Year – the year of the water Dragon! Have a prosperous and healthy 2012.

goingfabulous signing off w thanks

Chicken Adobo from Hana’s Kitchen @ home with Extra Virgin Olive Oil

To Sammie Martinez, A recipe for you from ‘Hana’s Kitchen @ home‘:

Chicken Adobo with Extra Virgin Olive Oil is my recipe and I wish to dedicate this page for you. You are a great friend and allow me to share my food @ home specially today – 1 September.

A friend Estrell asked a favor wanting to taste Philippines’ Adobo.
Adobo is one of the Philippines National Dish. Every home and every Filipino can prepare this dish, a tasty and delicious delicacy of which the main ingredient is pork. However, many substitute chicken from using pork or simply mix both. The taste remains ‘Adobo’!

My recipe ingredients: Dry Chicken Adobo At Hana’s Kitchen @ home with Extra Virgin Olive oil. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is one among the 6th listed ace items for anti-aging.

Chicken Adobo can be served hot or cold with vegetable salad or rice, the Philippines staple food.


Chicken / pork pieces of 6 to 12 (bite size/your choice)
2 spoonfuls of black peppercorns
4 dried bay leaves
6 cloves of garlic: 4 whole and 2 crushed
3 – 4 tbsp of white vinegar or apple cider
Light soy sauce to taste
Dark soy sauce to color
1 tbsp of tomato sauce
Some sliced potatoes (optional)
Rice Bran oil, butter or any cooking oil
Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Blanch the meat pieces with hot boiling water
Heat 2 or 4 tbsp of oil to saute garlic, bay leaves and black peppercorns until smells good.

Add the meat pieces and potatoes, stirring lightly for few minutes.
Add a bit of water, let simmer for few minutes, then add light soy sauce for taste.

Lower the flame and continue to simmer for at least 20 to 30 minutes until the sauce thickens and meat pieces are soft. Add a spoonful of tomato paste, stirring occasionally to prevent burning.

Taste the salt degree and chicken meat if cooked or tender. Pour some spoonfuls of Extra Virgin Olive oil for a prefect finish! Scoop into a dish and garnish with Parsley or Basil leaves. Serve hot or cold.

Note: Vary ingredients when necessary to fit your taste of a palatable Adobo dish.

going for anti-aging foods

As you ‘choose the road that leads to life’ ;

choose the foods that keep you young – the Anti-aging foods: Notes from the

 Great Taste No Pain Digestive Health System

Yesterday's Happy Dinner

I can’t have her book yet but in her email, she

listed ‘6 Anti-aging aces; such as dark chocolates,

extra virgin olive oil, blueberries, raw almonds, red wine,

and wild alaskan salmon.’ In as much as I am

inclined to follow the ‘forever young’ trend,

I do with eyes filled only; as a ticket to eat this foods

stuffs requires her guide book – GTNP recipe book .

With her Great Taste No Pain book, you enjoy

great recipes on foods that help slow down aging,

prevent illness; easy to prepare at home and

a good way to share healthy foods prepared

with love to those you love at home. I wld

love to try your recipes, Great Taste No Pain!