

Onions and you, why you?

Think about onions whether red or yellow. Sure you have  at least an image in mind. Hold it! Size and looks, uses? For perfect view, here are some images.



In the red pack are medium size of red onions. You can check from the supermarket for more visuals. Garlic gloves are the white item besides the red onions. Are they vegetables or spices?

Tips: How to get rid off insects

…. Are you a homer like me? Lazy head like this….

Fun time with Jackie, the 8.2 kg cat

Spending most of my time at home with the kitties, I notice occurrences of insects visit in the house specially in the kitchen. Ants, cockroaches, mosquitoes and flies are the most common walk-ins.

Since we moved in this new residence, flies comes in almost anytime, night is not an issue either you have food on the table or any cooking in the kitchen. It irritates me even for just one fly zooming around the area. Sometimes, I spend time trying to snap and get rid off it. Flies / insects are also living creatures but I hope killing them carry a very light sentence in heaven:)

Here are some tips to help get rid off insects: natural, cheap and easy 

(No guaranty)

Let’s look at the ants

! Cucumber juice – I noticed some ants started finding a new pathway when accidentally, I spilled some cucumber juice on their path. I decided to spray on the table’s surface and legs and left some slices of cucumbers. To my delight, all the ants left in 30 minutes.

Aside from cucumber, use some lemon juice or lemon slices instead of cucumbers. Ants are said against sour things. You can try other citrus fruits.

The Mosquitoes —

! Mosquitoes tend to stay way from spicy smell like GARLIC. Keep the area clean and dry or free from moist, damp and stale water. Spray some homemade and natural spicy fragrance in each corner where the mosquito hides. In the backyard, plant some garlic in your flower beds or just bury them to avoid mosquito hideout or breeding area.

Other tips from friends with thanks

1) You do not need to kill mosquitoes: dissolve Vitamin C and B2 in water and apply the solution on your skin when necessary.
2) Orange coloured curtains, or orange plastic wrap around a bulb seems to keep them away.
3) Hang up a bunch of spring onions, and use gauze to wrap up the green sections of the onions.
4)  Place some Lilies or Roses in the mosquitoes corner.

! Take note:

Other preventive measures are found in health department leaflets.


Next issue is ‘How I got rid of f Cockroaches’ from an infested cup board.
Thank you, thank you, thank you
goingfabulous signing off

The Garlic and Your Heart

The Garlic or Allium Sativum; your wonderful Heart

  • Sources of Allicin and diallyl sulphides 
  • Biblical Proverbs 4:23 –More than all else that is to be guarded, ‘safeguard your heart’, for out of it are the source of life.

If I am right, Garlic, Onion and Leeks belong to the Allium Family. In the provision shop, I use to find them in one location – in the spices corner.

Lately, I noticed everybody is health conscious at home and even in the market place. A Friend or stranger, some actually give tips while they buy fruits or vegetables. In one instance when I was buying some garlic and leeks: A lady in the counter said ‘this is good source of Iron and fiber, Vit. B6, folate and Manganese. Garlic – ‘Good for the heart’, prevents heart disease and takes care of the arteries. Wow! I was very impressed (:)

It’s wonderful to meeting people rich w information’s who shares openly to others. Somehow I believe in Folklore tips, I am sure there is truth in it. There are tons of ‘wonder plants’ from nature which thru medical experiments or by accidental discovery: these natures’ heal and are made into drugs for the publics benefit; usage has to be taken moderately neither plants nor drugs).

There’s an article dated Sunday, November 20, 2011 @ Star News entitled – ‘Garlic’s heartfelt effects’.  For discussions recap, allow me to talk about it and add some goodies related to the heart:-

The article reminds us that’ Garlic’s Oil component ‘hydrogen sulfide gas’ has health benefits. It protects the heart from being damage. How? “Garlic Oil Component, diallyl trisulphide, delivers the benefits of hydrogen sulphide to the heart. Diallyl sulphide preserves and temporarily turns off the function of mitochondria in our system lowering the production of reactive oxygen species”. Wonderful? Please research more if this subject is important to you right now.

What about the Statins – What does it do for the heart? Statins have been dubbed ‘Aspirin of the 21st century’, right? Statins said to work by blocking a liver enzyme that makes or deposits fatty molecules in the arterial walls. Will blocked arterial walls boosts heart disease and causes stroke at any age?

It is good to seek professional advice before taking any plant or drug. We definitely knew ourselves very well than others so let’s listen to our body. An ounce of prevention is still best to consider.

Aside the Garlic. Do you love nuts and seeds (unsalted preferred)? I read that they are also called ‘Super Foods’ for healthy heart.

Find out more:- on Garlic Overview  here: http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/garlic-000245.htm

Have fun with thanks

goingfabulous signing off