Recipe: Light Breakfast @Hana’s Kitchen

Recipe: Light Breakfast @Hana’s Kitchen

Three important recipe

1) Fresh and clean washed celery stalk

2) Wolf berries and  thinly sliced carrots

3) Baked or steamed (without cream) Banana Cake


Bite size Banana cake with celery strips, carrots and wolf berries

Image: The Vegetable Mixture


How to prepare

! Cut into bite size the Banana cake

! Cut into strips the fresh picked celery stalk to a size that fits the size and shape of your banana cake

! Spread 7 or 15  wolf berries and a spoonful of  grated carrots over the sliced banana cake

! Finally top  with celery strips and you’re done!

! Enjoy your light breakfast


Your Beverage Menu

o Green tea

o Warm water

o  Best taken with boiled Barley water (sugarless)



Image: Barley drink without sugar



With thanks,
